Amazing 6 facts:
1.90% of people in america do not drink milk
2.Snakes vision is up to five kilo meter.
3.A man can touch sun if his body is wholly surrounded by mercury.
4.No twins have been born til now in Greenland.
5.zebra does not hve liver.
6.All the details r False.
Thanks For trusting Me For A While.
April Fool Day Wishes..
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Wat r u doing?????
I m spreading unicameral form of specialty occuring
palevolently in the seritormious piece of platerubian
In Short…..
Disturbing you!!!!!:)
April Fool
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You R the one who is CHARMING
you R the one who is healthy
you R the one who is precious
and I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS.
April fool