Poetry for dad can be based on his belief in God. Here is a poem about father for the thousands of people who are finding Father's Day poem about father or best friend Father's Day poem, spiritual Father's Day poem into the search box. you can read this poem here and share to your every friends on Facebook so that your friends also wish father day read and enjoy life.
Best Poems About Father's Day.
When I rubbed my knee,,,
Or if I bumped my head,.,,
When I was 'fraid of the dark,,,
Or that thing undr my bed,,,
When I cried out in the night,
Or even in the day,.,,,
U were there for me,
To make it all okay.
U tickled my feet,,,,
& laughed at all my pranks.
U taught me to trust,
In having high hopes.
You r my father
U did what U had to do.
But more than a father
U r my Best friend too.
U made everything good,
That was once bad.
I just want U to know
I love you Dad.
I Really Love You.